Sunday, July 20, 2014

Book Challenge -- Day 14

20. WTF just happened book ending (part 1)

My top answer for this prompt is still The Giver. I read the book in middle school and was frustrated with the lack of ending. Now that other books have come in the series I'm more accepting of it, but I still ache for something to close the book out. Hopefully Son will have a concrete answer to ever reader's question: "What happens?"
   One book I finished recently that fits under this heading is Nobody's Princess. Helen of Sparta just gets in a boat and we know her adventures continue, but there's no concrete ending. It becomes frustrating when her entire story leads up to what must happen in the sequel.
     City of Bones's ending was weird, to say the least. You're expecting some of what happens, but the majority of it is stunning. Then there's a bit of down-time where you can assimilate the info before the actual no-more-pages ending. The ending definitely launched me into the second novel, and I'm still working on figuring out what exactly happened.
     Similarly the end of Clockwork Prince I wanted to go back and re-read the last couple chapters. This time around, though, it was more a sense of "I can't believe the author would do that" rather than "I don't get it" or even "Huh?". Clockwork Princess tied up some of the loose ends, but I still have to sit and think about it any time I drop back in on the Shadowhunters.

The Challenge wants seven endings, the rest will be in tomorrow.

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