Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Book Challenge -- Day 10

10. Top 5 female characters

  1. Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  2. Vicky Austin - Meet the Austins, The Moon by NightThe Young UnicornsA Ring of Endless Light, and Troubling a Star by Madeleine L'Engle
  3. Hermione Granger - Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
  4. Rachel Morgan - The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison
  5. Tris Prior - DivergentInsurgent, and Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Like with the male characters, I don't have a preference for order of these characters. They're listed here in the order I was introduced to them. I love Elizabeth's spunk and the fact that, though she does need to marry to survive after her father's death, she wants more than to just like her husband--she does meet her match in Darcy and is willing to concede her initial opinions were wrong. Vicky grows up through her series, she starts as one of four children, becomes an angsty teen, then grows into a confident young woman able to realize when she needs to look beyond herself for support. Hermione is smart, but her best quality is her compassion. We all know Harry would never have made it through his time at Hogwarts, let alone defeated Voldemort without her help, support and willingness to tell him he's an idiot. I love that Rachel isn't brilliant or completely put together--that's what Ivy is there for. Sometimes she fails, but she always picks herself back up and fights to survive. Tris is adventurous. She challenges the status quo, but is just as unsure of what will come as she is at was has already happened. Tris isn't willing to let a comfortable situation sit when there's even a chance of something better--though she didn't really get a choice in the matter. 

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