Monday, July 7, 2014

Book Challenge -- Day 1

1: Genre you read most

I posted my first tweet a whole two days after I challenged myself to begin the challenge... yes, I already was behind. But not this time!

I read a lot of Young Adult fiction and Romance. While I enjoy science fiction and mystery, and pretty much every other genre out there, stories centering around and for teens are fascinating.
     YA stories have the automatic suspension of disbelief that makes for a good story--so what if something doesn't fit into the plot or something is missing, that one detail is not going to destroy the overall story. Teen and young adult books take into account that the reader hasn't been taught to scorn a creating where something might be a little bit off from reality. For example, fantasy abounds in YA Fiction, and it's always fantasy that has all the elements we expect from reality--a set of laws governing the physical world, rules and regulations garnering social interaction, etc. People might live on the moon or be part machine, but there are still rules that tie fiction to our world.
     My fascination with Romance is rooted in the easy-to-read storylines and no-thought-necessary plots. I can open a Betty Neels book and know within the first chapter who is going to marry whom. I enjoy the historical romance sub-genre because the romantic storyline is submersed in actual plot--it becomes more than just boy meets girl, they fool around, they fall in love, they get married. Historical Romance gives context for that romance, and the romance adds motivation for the rest of the plot.

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