Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inheriting Music

     I was listening to the introductory music of Copper, the new television show on BBC America, and something about it spoke to me. It sounds like a mixture of bagpipes and a fiddle, in the Irish style. It's a beautiful tune, and I wish I knew why it speaks to me.
     Is there something about the music someone's ancestors listened to that can speak to them? My parents haven't ever really listened to Celtic music, but I've discovered that I enjoy it just as much as the pop and country and classic rock I find on the radio. Maybe I should mention that my family is most significantly Irish, there is English and Scottish mixed in, but is definitely Irish.
     There's something to be learned from the diets of families--over years of not eating grain, people lose the ability to digest gluten and their descendants become gluten-intolerant or allergic. I wonder if the same happens with music. Over generations of listening to the same music, does a family develop a preference for it?

Just a thought....

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