Tuesday, October 16, 2012


     When I started watching Warehouse 13, I fell in love with the acting style of Joanne Kelly. Then, when my friend and I were surfing Hulu we came across another show starring, well almost starring her. It's called Vanished.
     In the show Joanne Kelly is the wife of Georgia's Senator Collins. She is kidnapped from a gala celebrating her charity work and the search begins. The series chronicles the search for her and the secrets that come with the investigation.
     So far I like the show, but there are some characters that drive me nuts. The reporter for one, all she cares about is her story no matter who it might destroy. She strikes me as a "Regina King" from Mean Girls.  She uses the people around her to get what she wants, and that isn't necessarily Sara Collins found.
     The daughter is one of those whining brats who thinks her parents hate her. Yes, there are things her father and stepmother, and mother, aren't telling her, or letting her do, but there are more productive ways to go about getting attention or her way.
     The brother isn't high on my list of favorites, but neither is he the clueless dupe everyone else seems to think--he held on to his relationship with his mother when no one else would give her the time of day, he kept his sister's secrets, and it doesn't seem like anyone has noticed anything he has done - pretty well flying under the radar.
     I don't really have an opinion on the senator one way or another. He loves his wife and yet they kidnap her, at first we don't know what for. But as the story continues he appears to hinder the FBI investigation more than help it. I'd hope if I were married and missing my husband would do more to help.
     My favorite character is probably the FBI agent, Kelton. He cares about his mission and wants to get Sara Collins back to her family. When the audience meets his family you can understand how he feels so deeply for the Collins family.
     It's an interesting show and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it.

Just a thought....

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