Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year 2014!

     It's a whole new year!
     As exciting as that sounds, it is also completely terrifying! While a year is only a measure of time and there isn't really anything different between Tuesday December 31 and Wednesday January 1 we place so much more on the differentiation between that specific Tuesday and Wednesday.
     This is the time of year when people make promises for the future, when we look at the past and make plans. This is the time when we have hope and expectations are running high. It is also the time when we make resolutions.
     Resolutions aren't just goals, they're promises we make to ourselves. For some, resolutions are plans we don't believe we'll achieve. For others, resolutions are our deepest darkest hopes that we want fulfilled. Making it a "New Year's Resolution" makes it possible, caught up in the hype of a new year, the hope of a new beginning we have the drive to make those goals become reality.
     I've never been good at keeping to my resolutions, but this year I'm making it my resolution to work every single day to keep my resolutions. And, unlike many years in the past, this year I only have two resolutions:
      1. Be happy with me--this one doesn't sound like much, but I'm going to work on finding the things that I've enjoyed, the things that make me feel one hundred percent me, and incorporating them into my every day. 
      2. Keep up with my writing--I love to write, but when life gets going it's difficult to get online to update my blogs or work on my fiction. But I'm not limiting myself to just blogging or working on my stories, I'm also talking about keeping a journal or exploring ideas by writing them out. Playing with language and working with it is something I enjoy and something I'd love to continue working with. 
     This year my goals aren't earth-shattering, but they are things I haven't had time for in the past few years. I'm excited to be getting back to the things that bring me joy, and to have time to devote to them. 

Just a thought...

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