Friday, September 20, 2019


     When I was little my mom was insistent that my siblings and I would apologize any time we had misstepped. While I was fortunate enough to learn how to create an effective apology I'm learning that quite a large faction of society has not been so lucky.
     Apologies are pretty straightforward with three key components: 
  1. Take responsibility for your actions/ the situation
  2. Express regret 
  3. Request forgiveness & assure will not happen again/ you will attempt to prevent a recurrence
For example: 

Dear Person I Have Wronged

I am sorry I (hurt your feelings/ broke your object/ what did you do which requires an apology?). I did not mean to do it. In the future, I will (consider your point of view/ look where I'm going/ not do it again/ etc.).  I hope you can forgive me.



The important part is to be sincere and actually mean what you're saying when you apologize. I hope this helps. 

Just a thought....

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