Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's All in Your Mind....

     I have never really been into scary movies. I like to think that it's because my imagination can take a harmless scene and morph it into something horrifyingly morbid--like flying dreams where you just can't land and suffocate when you float away from Earth into outer space... For most kids the dream about flying would be fun.
Photo by: Riccardo Cuppini
     Sometimes real-life situations are creepy enough to inspire horror movie scenes without my imagination going overboard. Like when I was about twelve and watched a Stephen King movie about dead pets coming to life. I don't remember the ending, I just remember being terrified when I saw my cat's glowing green eyes at the level of my window that night.
     Other times it's simply the feeling that there's something just beyond my field of vision and if I don't watch out for it something unspeakable is going to happen. Like that feeling of being home alone when the electricity goes out. That dead silence is one of the most frightening sounds I've ever experienced, not because there's no television or internet or anything to keep me entertained, but because it can mean freezing to death or having no ability to make people aware of dangers. I still wake up when the power goes out in the middle of the night.
     I was reading somewhere that people who experience chronic pain say the anticipation of pain is actually more painful than pain itself. I feel like the unknown is like that: more terrifying by the imagination's anticipation of everything that could happen. That loud crashing sound could be someone slamming a door, or it could be someone breaking into the neighbor's house; chances are it's just the janitor at the school throwing trash in the dumpster.
     So why do hundreds of people every day watch movies that make them experience the fear I feel when walking in a dark parking garage or down a dark street? Maybe it's the thrill of surviving that unknown. For me, it's enough to just read a scene from a book or watch Supernatural, I let my imagination fill in the rest...

Just a thought...

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