Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time Gets Away Sometimes...

     Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted! Life gets away when there isn't anything to differentiate the days. I used to think this was just something that happened in the summer, forgetting what day it was and what the date is. After this year I realize my forgetfulness is simply the monotony of unchanging days, and the fact that I don't have a teacher reminding me what day it is.
     I understand what the "time is a matter of perception" theories are about now: What differentiates Monday from Tuesday? Answer: Nothing. Monday and Tuesday are just things that help us tell stories about the past or future, neither of which actually exists at this point in time, other than on a calendar. There is only the present and marking time is how we communicate stories to other people, even stories as simple as "Today I went to work." I'm sure I could get into this more in-depth, but I'm not sure I understand it enough to try and confuse the rest of the world.
     My point is that without something special to hold the marker of time, the present blends into itself and Tuesday feels like Friday which feels like yesterday. Well, whatever day it really is, have a great day!

Just a thought...

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