Sunday, September 30, 2012

Comfortable Relationship

     I was checking out my Tumblr today when one I came across a post one of my friends had re-blogged. It was about comfortable relationships and how they're the ones that matter most because they're the relationships in which you are the most true version of yourself.
     It got me to thinking of my closest friends. They're the ones that I can be my crazy, wacky, not-so-normal self with, and they get it! Then I got to thinking about the various guys in my life--the ones I've liked, the ones I haven't been able to stand, and the ones that I've loved--how many of them are worth the effort of making them understand?
     There's the best friend from high school that I only talk to sometimes because it's awkward now that he's married. There's my cousin, the twin I never had, the one I can tell anything and he'll respond in the way I really need: make me laugh at something stupid, remind me that something really is important in the long-run, and be the one man who can remind me that I am loved, whether I like it or not. There's my dad. He's Dad, the rock that I can stand on, the storm that challenges me to become better, and the meadow clearing where I can recover after either success or failure. And there's the guy from college that I never told how I feel.
     He's probably the one that I first thought of when I read the post. He's the friend that, now, whenever I walk the paths at school I can't help but imagine him walking toward me or when I hear someone say his name, I start looking for him. He was a friend that I immediately wanted to share my successes with, and the one who made the failures seem less tragic. He would smile and I couldn't help but smile back, he would hug me and my entire day would be better, all he had to do was be in the room and my silliness was alright. But because of my own fears I never told him any of that.
     Is that was love is, being confident enough to step over those fears and share a comfortable relationship, making it more than it is? I don't know. I just hope that if there is ever a 'next time' I'll have more courage.

Just a thought....

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