Monday, October 20, 2014

Does the Major Matter?

I get a lot of flack for having chosen English in college, as opposed to Education or Biology or Mathematics, but especially in comparison to Business. Most people aren't too surprised though--I'm very vocal about my love of reading. Recently, though, I've spoken to several former classmates and they're usually stunned when I tell them it doesn't matter what your degree is in, as long as you can sell it to an employer. 
     Now, I don't mean that someone with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature should be performing open-heart surgery--definitely go get your medical doctorate and specialize in cardiology, then have at it. I mean that for most positions I've come across, the degree itself is what matters. There will always be jobs and positions where a specialized degree is helpful, but just as important is the ability to sell your degree to the employer. 
     Recently I came across an article that explains (somewhat sarcastically) why humanities majors should be considered--with our indirect specialties and rounded curriculum--and why you're "An Idiot" if you don't hire from the humanities. More helpful was a webpage I discovered when I was looking for work--while it didn't help directly with finding a job, it gave me a jumping-off point for my search. 
     My point, I guess is that so long as you're hard working, passionate, and can apply what you do it doesn't matter what your degree is in, so long as you finish. But please, if you want to become a medical doctor or work in a field that requires a specialized degree, go get that specialized degree.